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Calculus, 10ed, ISV (WSE) Paperback – 2015

Calculus, 10ed, ISV (WSE) Paperback – 2015

হাওয়ার্ড এন্টন

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De Gruchy's Clinical Haematology in Medical Practice (Hardcover)

De Gruchy's Clinical Haematology in Medical Practice (Hardcover)

ফ্রাঙ্ক ফিরকিন

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From Microfinance to Inclusive Finance: Why Local Banking Works

From Microfinance to Inclusive Finance: Why Local Banking Works

আর. এইচ. শ্মিট

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Statistical Quality Control: A Modern Introduction

Statistical Quality Control: A Modern Introduction

ডগলাস সি. মন্টগোমারি

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Microwave Engineering

Microwave Engineering

ডেভিড এম. পোজার

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Clinical Anatomy: Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors (Paperback)

Clinical Anatomy: Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors (Paperback)

ভিশী মহাদেবান

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An Introduction to Probability and Statistics

An Introduction to Probability and Statistics

বিজয় কে. রোহাগি

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Pragmatic Software Testing: Becoming An Effective and Efficient Test Professional (Paperback)

Pragmatic Software Testing: Becoming An Effective and Efficient Test Professional (Paperback)

কেনেথ ডি.ব্লাক

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Optimal Device Design (Hardcover)

Optimal Device Design (Hardcover)

সিডনি এম লেভি

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Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (WSE)

Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (WSE)

জর্জ সি রঙ্গার

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Introduction to Special Relativity

Introduction to Special Relativity

রবার্ট রেস্নিক

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Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Mechanics

ইউজেন মারজবাচার

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CISSP (ISC)2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional Official Study Guide

CISSP (ISC)2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional Official Study Guide

মাইক চ্যাপেল

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Aquaculture Principles And Practices

Aquaculture Principles And Practices

টি. ভি. আর. পিল্লাই

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Power Electronics (Paperback)

Power Electronics (Paperback)


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The Now Habit at Work: Perform Optimally, Maintain Focus, and Ignite Motivation in Yourself and Others

The Now Habit at Work: Perform Optimally, Maintain Focus, and Ignite Motivation in Yourself and Others

নীল ফিওরে

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Essentials Haematology (paperback)

Essentials Haematology (paperback)

এ. ভিক্টর হফব্রান্ড

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Linear Statistical Inference and its Applications

Linear Statistical Inference and its Applications

সি.রাধাকৃষ্ণ রাও

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Fundamentals of Digital Logic and Microcomputer Design (Paperback)

Fundamentals of Digital Logic and Microcomputer Design (Paperback)

এম. রফিকুজ্জামান

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Accounting Principles

Accounting Principles

পল ডি. কিম্মেল

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Thyristor-Based Facts Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems (Paperback)

Thyristor-Based Facts Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems (Paperback)

আর মোহন মথুর

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Design and Analysis of Experiments - ISV (WSE)

Design and Analysis of Experiments - ISV (WSE)

ডগলাস সি. মন্টগোমারি

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Handbook of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology: Children's Hospital and Research Center Oakland (Paperback)

Handbook of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology: Children's Hospital and Research Center Oakland (Paperback)

জোসেফ সি. টরকিল্ডসন

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Signals and Systems(Paperback)

Signals and Systems(Paperback)

সাইমন হাইকিন

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Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing

Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing

লনি সি. লুডম্যান

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Digital Communications Systems

Digital Communications Systems

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Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences

Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences

মেরি এল বোস

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Fedora 9 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux ( CD-ROM Includes)- (Paperback)

Fedora 9 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux ( CD-ROM Includes)- (Paperback)

ক্রিস্টোফার নেগাস

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Design and Analysis of Lean Production Systems

Design and Analysis of Lean Production Systems

রোনাল্ড জি আস্কিন

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Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

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Error Correction Coding : Mathematical methods and Algorithms (Paperback)

Error Correction Coding : Mathematical methods and Algorithms (Paperback)

টড কে. মুন

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Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications (Paperback)

Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications (Paperback)

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Professional Oracle Programming (Paperback)

Professional Oracle Programming (Paperback)


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Digital Systems Design with VHDL and Synthesis (Paperback)

Digital Systems Design with VHDL and Synthesis (Paperback)

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Communication Systems (Paperback)

Communication Systems (Paperback)

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