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Foundation Engineering (Paperback)

Foundation Engineering (Paperback)

পি. সি. ভারগেস

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Introduction to Pspice using Or cad for Circuits and Electronics (Paperback)

Introduction to Pspice using Or cad for Circuits and Electronics (Paperback)

মুহাম্মদ এইচ. রশিদ

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Biomedical Digital Signal Processing : C-language Examples And Laboratory Experiments For The IBMR PC (Paperback)

Biomedical Digital Signal Processing : C-language Examples And Laboratory Experiments For The IBMR PC (Paperback)

উইলিস জে. টপক্কিনস

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System Simulation with Digital Computer (Paperback)

System Simulation with Digital Computer (Paperback)

নরসিং দেও

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Fundamentals of Investments (Paperback)

Fundamentals of Investments (Paperback)

গর্ডন জে. আলেকজান্ডার

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Electric Motors: Applications and Control (Paperback)

Electric Motors: Applications and Control (Paperback)

এম ভি দেশপান্ডে

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Numerical Methods Using Matlab (Paperback)

Numerical Methods Using Matlab (Paperback)

কার্টিজ ডি. ফিন্ক

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Capital Markets : Institutions and Instruments (Paperback)

Capital Markets : Institutions and Instruments (Paperback)

ফেবুজজি ফ্রাঙ্ক জে

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Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements (Paperback)

Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements (Paperback)

ডেভিড এ বেল

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Waste Water Treatment :Concepts and Design(Paperback)

Waste Water Treatment :Concepts and Design(Paperback)

জি. এল. করিয়া

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IBM PCT Assembly Language and Programming (Paperback)

IBM PCT Assembly Language and Programming (Paperback)

পিটার আবেল

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Symbolic Logic

Symbolic Logic


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Business Law

Business Law

বোস ডি. চন্দ্র

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Foundation Design in Practice (Paperback)

Foundation Design in Practice (Paperback)

করুণাময় ঘোষ

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Corporate Governance in India (Paperback)

Corporate Governance in India (Paperback)

সুভাষ চন্দ্র দাশ

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Dynamics Of Structures: Theory And Applications To Earthquake Engineering (Hardcover)

Dynamics Of Structures: Theory And Applications To Earthquake Engineering (Hardcover)

অনিল কে. চোপড়া

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Physilogical Control System (Paperback)

Physilogical Control System (Paperback)

মাইকেল সি. কে. খু

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Advanced Computer Architecture (Paperback)

Advanced Computer Architecture (Paperback)

রিচার্ড ওয়াই.কাইন

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Advanced Management Accounting

Advanced Management Accounting

কাপলান টেস্ট প্রস্তুতি

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Electrical Engineering Materials (Paperback)

Electrical Engineering Materials (Paperback)

এ. জে. ডকার

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Heat Transfar Principal and Applle (Paperback)

Heat Transfar Principal and Applle (Paperback)

বিনয় কে. দত্ত

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ডাস আর সি

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Computer System Design and Architecture (Paperback)

Computer System Design and Architecture (Paperback)

ভিনসেন্ট পি. হিউরিং

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Linear Estimation

Linear Estimation

আলী এইচ. সায়েদ

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Mechanical Sciences Engineering Machine and strength of Materials (Paperback)

Mechanical Sciences Engineering Machine and strength of Materials (Paperback)

অক্ষয় রঞ্জন পল

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Cost Accounting: Theory And Practice (Paperback)

Cost Accounting: Theory And Practice (Paperback)

ভবতোষ ব্যানার্জী

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Gas Dynamics For Engineers (Paperback)

Gas Dynamics For Engineers (Paperback)

পি. বালচন্দ্রন

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International Business: Text And Cases

International Business: Text And Cases

ফ্রান্সিস চেরুনিলাম

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An Introduction to Neural Networks (Paperback)

An Introduction to Neural Networks (Paperback)

জন ডি. অ্যান্ডারসন

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Oracle Database 11g - Hands-On SQL And PL/SQL (Paperback)

Oracle Database 11g - Hands-On SQL And PL/SQL (Paperback)

সতিশ অসানি

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Computer Based Industrial Control (Paperback)

Computer Based Industrial Control (Paperback)

ক্রিশ্চ কান্ট

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Portfolio Management (Paperback)

Portfolio Management (Paperback)

এস. কেভিন

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Foundamentals of Computer Networks (Paperback)

Foundamentals of Computer Networks (Paperback)


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Steel Making (Paperback)

Steel Making (Paperback)

এ. কে. চক্রবর্তী

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Refrigeration And Air conditioning (Paperback)

Refrigeration And Air conditioning (Paperback)

রমেশ চন্দ্র

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