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Marketing Research : An Applied Orientation

Marketing Research : An Applied Orientation

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An Introduction to Critical Thinking (Paperback)

An Introduction to Critical Thinking (Paperback)

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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management : Content, Competencies and Applications (Paperback)

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management : Content, Competencies and Applications (Paperback)

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CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective (Paperback)

CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective (Paperback)

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Anatomy And Physiology With Cat Dissection - The Powerful New Model For Employee Assessment And Performance Improvement (Paperback)

Anatomy And Physiology With Cat Dissection - The Powerful New Model For Employee Assessment And Performance Improvement (Paperback)

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Introduction to Management Accounting (Paperback)

Introduction to Management Accounting (Paperback)

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Properties of Concrete (Paperback)

Properties of Concrete (Paperback)

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Wireless Security & Privacy Best Practice & Design Technologies (Paperback)

Wireless Security & Privacy Best Practice & Design Technologies (Paperback)


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Physical Chemistry (Paperback)

Physical Chemistry (Paperback)

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Strategic Human Resource Management : A General Managerial Approach (Paperback)

Strategic Human Resource Management : A General Managerial Approach (Paperback)

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Pediatric Nursing (Paperback)

Pediatric Nursing (Paperback)

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Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communications (Paperback)

Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communications (Paperback)

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Marketing Management (Hardcover)

Marketing Management (Hardcover)

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WAP - The Wireless Application Protocol: Writing Applications for the Mobile Internet (Paperback)

WAP - The Wireless Application Protocol: Writing Applications for the Mobile Internet (Paperback)

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Management Information Systems: Global Edition (Paperback)

Management Information Systems: Global Edition (Paperback)

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Cost Accounting : A Managerial Emphasis (Hardcover)

Cost Accounting : A Managerial Emphasis (Hardcover)

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The Interpersonal Communication Book (Paperback)

The Interpersonal Communication Book (Paperback)

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Data Mining (Paperback)

Data Mining (Paperback)

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Vogel's qualitative Inorganic Analysis (Paperback)

Vogel's qualitative Inorganic Analysis (Paperback)

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Human Resource Management Plus New MyManagementLab with Pearson Etext -- Access Card Package (Paperback)

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Introduction to Biotechnology (Paperback)

Introduction to Biotechnology (Paperback)

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Modern Management Control System (Paperback)

Modern Management Control System (Paperback)

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Introduction to Supply Chain Management (Paperback)

Introduction to Supply Chain Management (Paperback)

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Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy : Toward Global Sustainability (Paperback)

Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy : Toward Global Sustainability (Paperback)

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Programming in C

Programming in C

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Human Resource Management (Paperback)

Human Resource Management (Paperback)

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Corporate Financial Management (Paperback)

Corporate Financial Management (Paperback)

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Digital Logic & Computer Design (Paperback)

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Endocrinology (Hardcover)

Endocrinology (Hardcover)

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Internetworking With TCP/IP Vol-III (Paperback)

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Fluid Power with Application

Fluid Power with Application

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E-Commerce : Business,Technology,Society (Paperback)

E-Commerce : Business,Technology,Society (Paperback)

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Multivariate Data Analysis (Paperback)

Multivariate Data Analysis (Paperback)

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