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নিউ এজ ইন্টারন্যাশনাল পাবলিশার্স

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The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man

এইচ. জি. ওয়েলস

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Research Methodology : Methods and Techniques (Paperback)

Research Methodology : Methods and Techniques (Paperback)

সি.আর. কোথারি

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Engineering Optimization : Theory and Practice (Paperback)

Engineering Optimization : Theory and Practice (Paperback)

সিংয়েরু এস রাও

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Advanced Microprocessor and Microcontrollers (Paperback)

Advanced Microprocessor and Microcontrollers (Paperback)

বি. পি. সিং

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Design of Microprocessor Based Systems (Paperback)

Design of Microprocessor Based Systems (Paperback)

ভি কে কে বানসাল

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Robust Control Design with Matlab (Paperback)

Robust Control Design with Matlab (Paperback)

গু ডা ওয়েই

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Design of Wireless Autonomous Data Logger IC's (Paperback)

Design of Wireless Autonomous Data Logger IC's (Paperback)

উইম ক্লাস

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Civil Engineering Practices, Volume I

Civil Engineering Practices, Volume I

নরেশ কৌশিক

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Civil Engineering Practices, Volume II

Civil Engineering Practices, Volume II

নরেশ কৌশিক

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কোনারকের বিবরণ

কোনারকের বিবরণ

নির্মল কুমার বসু

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Comprehensive Ophthalmology (Paperback)

Comprehensive Ophthalmology (Paperback)

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Design of R.C.C. Structural Elements - Vol. 1

Design of R.C.C. Structural Elements - Vol. 1

এস. এস. ভবিকাঠি

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Barron's Essential Words for the IELTS

Barron's Essential Words for the IELTS

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Perspectives in Environmental Studies

Perspectives in Environmental Studies

সি পি কাউশিক

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Barrons GRE Verbal Workbook

Barrons GRE Verbal Workbook

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Modern Probability Theory

Modern Probability Theory

বি. বি. ভাট

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Stereochemistry: Conformation And Mechanism

Stereochemistry: Conformation And Mechanism

পি. এস. কলসি

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Stereochemistry: Conformation And Mechanism

Stereochemistry: Conformation And Mechanism

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Elements of Fashion and Apparel Design

Elements of Fashion and Apparel Design

জি জে সুমাথী

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Knitting Fundamentals: Machines, Structures and Developments

Knitting Fundamentals: Machines, Structures and Developments


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Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering

অর্নব কুমার দে

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Computational Physics: An Introduction

Computational Physics: An Introduction

আর সি ভার্মা

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Solid State Physics

Solid State Physics

এস. ও. পিল্লাই

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Steriochemistry of Organic Compounds

Steriochemistry of Organic Compounds

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The Econometrics of Financial Markets

The Econometrics of Financial Markets

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Polymer Science

Polymer Science

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Environmental Pollution Control Engineering (Paperback)

Environmental Pollution Control Engineering (Paperback)

সি. এস. রাও

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Research Methodology : Methods and Techniques

Research Methodology : Methods and Techniques

সি আর কোথারি

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Industrial Economics: An Introductory Textbook (Jan 1, 2010)

Industrial Economics: An Introductory Textbook (Jan 1, 2010)

R.R. Barthwal

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