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Principles of Data Integration

Principles of Data Integration

আনহাই দোয়ান

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Comprehensive Renewable Energy

Comprehensive Renewable Energy

আলী সোয়াই

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Learning Processing: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)

Learning Processing: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)

ড্যানিয়েল শিফম্যান

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Textiles, Polymers and Composites for Buildings

Textiles, Polymers and Composites for Buildings

জি পোয়েল

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Materials for Fuel Cells

Materials for Fuel Cells

মাইকেল গ্যাসিক

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Industrial Chemicals: Their Characteristics and Development

Industrial Chemicals: Their Characteristics and Development

গৈরা আগাম

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Probability, Statistics and Queuing Theory with Computer Science Applications

Probability, Statistics and Queuing Theory with Computer Science Applications

আর্নল্ড ও. অ্যালেন

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Hematology: Landmark Papers of the Twentieth Century (Hardcover)

Hematology: Landmark Papers of the Twentieth Century (Hardcover)

মার্শাল লিক্টম্যান

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Biological Inorganic Chemistry: A New Introduction to Molecular Structure and Function

Biological Inorganic Chemistry: A New Introduction to Molecular Structure and Function

রবার্ট ক্রিকটন

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Handbook Of Glass Properties

Handbook Of Glass Properties

নরত্রাম পি বানসাল

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Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology

নামানেট জে পাজদনিকিক

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Theory of Simple Liquids: With Applications to Soft Matter

Theory of Simple Liquids: With Applications to Soft Matter

জ্যান-পিয়ের হানসেন

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Sound and Structural Vibration

Sound and Structural Vibration

ফ্রাঙ্ক ফাহী

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Digital Control Engineering

Digital Control Engineering

এম স্বামী ফাদলি

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Insect Pheromone Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Hardcover)

Insect Pheromone Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Hardcover)

গ্যারি জে. ব্লোমকুইস্ট

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4G: LTE/LTE-Advanced for Mobile Broadband

4G: LTE/LTE-Advanced for Mobile Broadband

স্টেফান পার্কভাল

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Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students

Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students

কার্টিস হাওয়ার্ড ডি কার্টিস

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Practical Ship Design

Practical Ship Design

ডি জি এম ওয়াটসন

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Essential Matlab for Engineers and Scientists (Paperback)

Essential Matlab for Engineers and Scientists (Paperback)

ব্রায়ান এইচ হান

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Solvent Extraction: Classical and Novel Approaches

Solvent Extraction: Classical and Novel Approaches

এস কেসিলিক আই

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RF Circuit Design

RF Circuit Design

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Design of Clothing Manufacturing Processes: A Systematic Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Control

Design of Clothing Manufacturing Processes: A Systematic Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Control

গারসাক জে গারসাক

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Grays Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice IE

Grays Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice IE

স্ট্যান্ডিং সুসান

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Elements of Petroleum Geology

Elements of Petroleum Geology

স্টিভ সনেবার্গ

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Principles of Real Analysis

Principles of Real Analysis

চারালামবোস ডি.অলিপেইন্টস

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Ship Design and Performance for Masters and Mates

Ship Design and Performance for Masters and Mates

ব্রায়ান বারাস

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Offshore Structures: Design, Construction and Maintenance

Offshore Structures: Design, Construction and Maintenance

মোহাম্মদ আবদুল্লাহ এল রিডি

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Electroplating: Basic Principles, Processes and Practice

Electroplating: Basic Principles, Processes and Practice

নাসির কানানি

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Aircraft Engineering Principles

Aircraft Engineering Principles


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Practical Power Systems Protection

Practical Power Systems Protection

রমেশ বালকৃষ্ণান

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The Design Warrior's Guide to FPGAs: Devices, Tools and Flows (Paperback)

The Design Warrior's Guide to FPGAs: Devices, Tools and Flows (Paperback)

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Management of Industrial Cleaning Technology and Processes (Paperback)

Management of Industrial Cleaning Technology and Processes (Paperback)

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Selective Anatomy: Prep Manual for Undergraduates (Volume 1)

Selective Anatomy: Prep Manual for Undergraduates (Volume 1)

বিশারম সিং

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Difference Equations - An Introduction with Applications

Difference Equations - An Introduction with Applications

ওয়াল্টার জি কেল্লি

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Knowledge Management Tools And Techniques: Practitioners And Experts Evaluate Km Solutions

Knowledge Management Tools And Techniques: Practitioners And Experts Evaluate Km Solutions

রাও মাদানমোহন

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