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Legal Regime of Marine Environment in the Bay of Bengal

Legal Regime of Marine Environment in the Bay of Bengal

এম. হাবিবুর রহমান

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Management : Principles Practices and Techniques (Hardcover)

Management : Principles Practices and Techniques (Hardcover)

এন. এস. গুপ্তা

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Contemporary American Literature: Poetry, Fiction, Drama and Criticism

Contemporary American Literature: Poetry, Fiction, Drama and Criticism

রংরাও ভংলে

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Human Knowledge : Its Scope and Limits  (Paperback)

Human Knowledge : Its Scope and Limits  (Paperback)

বার্ট্রান্ড রাসেল

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An Objective Approach to English Literature

An Objective Approach to English Literature

রহমত জাহান

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Hardy’s Tess of the D'urbervilles

Hardy’s Tess of the D'urbervilles

সুধীর দীক্ষিত

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Agriculture and WTO: Creating a Trading System for Development

Agriculture and WTO: Creating a Trading System for Development


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Interpreting Drama

Interpreting Drama

প্রভাঞ্জন মেইন

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A Passage To India

A Passage To India

ই. এম. ফরস্টার

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The Mill on the Floss

The Mill on the Floss

জর্জ ইলিয়ট

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Principles and Theory of Political Science ( Vol. 1 ) (Hardcover)

Principles and Theory of Political Science ( Vol. 1 ) (Hardcover)

ঊর্মিলা শর্মা

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Hue 1968: A Turning Point of the American War in Vietnam

Hue 1968: A Turning Point of the American War in Vietnam

মার্ক বাউডেন

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Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe

ড্যানিয়েল ডেফোর

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The next Green Revolution : Essential Steps to a Healthy Sustainable Agriculture (Paperback)

The next Green Revolution : Essential Steps to a Healthy Sustainable Agriculture (Paperback)

মৌরা এমসিডামোট্ট

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The Poetry of Walt Whitman: New Critical Perspectives (Hardcover)

The Poetry of Walt Whitman: New Critical Perspectives (Hardcover)

কনওয়ার দীনেশ সিং

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Economics of agriculture (Hardcover)

Economics of agriculture (Hardcover)

এ. সি. দেওরুখকর

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Critical Perspectives in American Literature

Critical Perspectives in American Literature

মিনাক্ষি রমন

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Sugarcane Pricing : Policy, Procedure and Operations

Sugarcane Pricing : Policy, Procedure and Operations


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Modern American Literature

Modern American Literature

রাজেশ্বর মিত্রপল্লী

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The New Girl

The New Girl

এস. আই. গ্রে

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A Short History of English Literature, 2 vols set

A Short History of English Literature, 2 vols set

জর্জ সেন্টসবারি

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Lord Jim

Lord Jim

জোসেফ কনরাড

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Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness

Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness

মোহিত কুমার রায়

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Mastering Modern World History

Mastering Modern World History

নর্মান লোউ

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The Time Machine

The Time Machine

এইচ. জি. ওয়েলস

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The Akbar Nama (Volume - 1)

The Akbar Nama (Volume - 1)

আবুল ফজল

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Life and Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda

Life and Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda

জি. এস. বাহাতি

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Pygmalion (Nobel Prize Winner's)

Pygmalion (Nobel Prize Winner's)

জর্জ বার্ণাডশ্‌

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Martin Heidegger (Routledge Critical Thinkers) (Paperback)

Martin Heidegger (Routledge Critical Thinkers) (Paperback)

টিমোথি ক্লার্ক

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Indian Writings in English

Indian Writings in English

সঞ্জয় কুমার

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Indian Writing in English

Indian Writing in English

মোহিত কুমার রায়

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The Fiction of Ernest Hemingway

The Fiction of Ernest Hemingway

এন.জি. মেশ্রাম

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Studies in American Literature

Studies in American Literature

মোহিত কুমার রায়

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Studies in ELT, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

Studies in ELT, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

মোহিত কে রায়

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A Companion to Indian Fiction in English

A Companion to Indian Fiction in English

পেয়ার পালো পিকুওকো

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