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Absolute Java

Absolute Java

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Starting Out with Python

Starting Out with Python

টনি গ্রেডিস

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Core Java for the Impatient

Core Java for the Impatient

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Literature, Class, and Culture - An Anthology  (Hardcover)

Literature, Class, and Culture - An Anthology  (Hardcover)

পল লটার

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College Physics: A Strategic Approach

College Physics: A Strategic Approach

স্টুয়ার্ট ফিল্ড

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The C Plus Plus Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference

The C Plus Plus Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference

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C plus plus Primer

C plus plus Primer

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Service Design Patterns: Fundamental Design Solutions for SOAP/WSDL and RESTful Web Services

Service Design Patterns: Fundamental Design Solutions for SOAP/WSDL and RESTful Web Services

রবার্ট ড্যাগনিওউ

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Surreal Numbers

Surreal Numbers

ডোনাল্ড ই. কুনথ

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Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams

Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams

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Optics (Hardcover)

Optics (Hardcover)

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Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3 : Sorting and Searching

Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3 : Sorting and Searching

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Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby: An Agile Primer

Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby: An Agile Primer

স্যান্ডি মেটজ

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Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science

Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science

রোনাল্ড এল. গ্রাহাম

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Financial Theory and Corporate Policy: United States Edition (Hardcover)

Financial Theory and Corporate Policy: United States Edition (Hardcover)

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Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation (Addison Wesley Signature Series)

Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation (Addison Wesley Signature Series)

জেজ হুমবল

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Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change

Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change

কেন্ট বেক

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Learn Python the Hard Way

Learn Python the Hard Way

জেড এ শ

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Financial & Managerial Accounting: The Financial Chapters (Paperback)

Financial & Managerial Accounting: The Financial Chapters (Paperback)

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Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript

Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript

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Essential University Physics Volume 1 with Mastering Physics

Essential University Physics Volume 1 with Mastering Physics

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College Algebra and Trigonometry through Modeling and Visualization

College Algebra and Trigonometry through Modeling and Visualization

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Software Architecture in Practice

Software Architecture in Practice

রিক কাজম্যান

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Software Security: Building Security In (Addison-Wesley Software Security

Software Security: Building Security In (Addison-Wesley Software Security

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The Go Programming Language

The Go Programming Language

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Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms

Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms

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Mastering the Requirements Process: Getting Requirements Right

Mastering the Requirements Process: Getting Requirements Right

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Discovering Women's History: A Practical Guide to Researching the Lives of Women since 1800

Discovering Women's History: A Practical Guide to Researching the Lives of Women since 1800

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The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition

The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition

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C++ Primer (Paperback)

C++ Primer (Paperback)

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Human Anatomy and Physiology (Paperback)

Human Anatomy and Physiology (Paperback)

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Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams

Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams

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Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Web Development with Rails

Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Web Development with Rails

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C Network Programming, Volume 2: Systematic Reuse With Ace And Frameworks

C Network Programming, Volume 2: Systematic Reuse With Ace And Frameworks

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