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Feminist Perspectives on Social Research (Paperback)

Feminist Perspectives on Social Research (Paperback)

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Principles Of Political Science (Paperback)

Principles Of Political Science (Paperback)

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Persistent Inequalities: Women and World Development (Paperback)

Persistent Inequalities: Women and World Development (Paperback)

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Forging Identities: Gender, Communities, And The State In India (Paperback)

Forging Identities: Gender, Communities, And The State In India (Paperback)

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Weaving the visions: New patterns in feminist spirituality (Paperback)

Weaving the visions: New patterns in feminist spirituality (Paperback)

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Sex and Social Justice (Paperback)

Sex and Social Justice (Paperback)

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Principles and Theory of Political Science ( Vol. 1 ) (Hardcover)

Principles and Theory of Political Science ( Vol. 1 ) (Hardcover)

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Upholding the Common Life: The Community of Mirabai (Gender Studies Series) (Paperback)

Upholding the Common Life: The Community of Mirabai (Gender Studies Series) (Paperback)

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Rural Women Entrepreneurship (Hardcover)

Rural Women Entrepreneurship (Hardcover)

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Postcolonial Politics and Personal Laws : Colonial Legal Legacies and the Indian State (Hardcover)

Postcolonial Politics and Personal Laws : Colonial Legal Legacies and the Indian State (Hardcover)

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Don't Marry Me to a Plowman!: Women's Everyday Lives in North India (peparback)

Don't Marry Me to a Plowman!: Women's Everyday Lives in North India (peparback)

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Gendered Citizenship Historical And Conceptual Explorations (Paperback)

Gendered Citizenship Historical And Conceptual Explorations (Paperback)

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Law and Gender Inequality: The Politics of Women's Rights in India (Paperback)

Law and Gender Inequality: The Politics of Women's Rights in India (Paperback)

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Hindu Law Beyond Tradition and Modernity (Paperback)

Hindu Law Beyond Tradition and Modernity (Paperback)

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Woman versus Man: Socio-Legal Gender Inequality in Pakistan (Hardcover)

Woman versus Man: Socio-Legal Gender Inequality in Pakistan (Hardcover)

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Apabilities, Freedom, and Equality: Amartya Sen’s Work from a Gender Perspective (Paperback)

Apabilities, Freedom, and Equality: Amartya Sen’s Work from a Gender Perspective (Paperback)

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Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation (Paperback)

Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation (Paperback)

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Social Development (Paperback)

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Women and Law in India (Hardcover)

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Modern Economic Theory (Paperback)

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Qur'an and woman (Paperback)

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Whose Reality Counts?: Putting the First Last (Paperback)

Whose Reality Counts?: Putting the First Last (Paperback)

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The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal (Paperbacks)

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The Psychology of Women (Paperback)

The Psychology of Women (Paperback)

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From Purdah to Parliament (Hardcover)

From Purdah to Parliament (Hardcover)

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Siva and Her Sisters: Gender, Caste, and Class in Rural South India (Studies in the Ethnographic Imagination) (peparback)

Siva and Her Sisters: Gender, Caste, and Class in Rural South India (Studies in the Ethnographic Imagination) (peparback)

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Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers (Paperback)

Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers (Paperback)

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Feminism and Politics (Paperback)

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Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation

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Women in Indian religion (Paperback)

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The Gendered Society Reader (Paperback)

The Gendered Society Reader (Paperback)

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Women and the Law (Hardcover)

Women and the Law (Hardcover)

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