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Cellular Mobile Systems Engineering (Mobile Communications Library)

Cellular Mobile Systems Engineering (Mobile Communications Library)

সালেহ ফারুক

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Antennas and Wave Propagation (Oxford Higher Education)

Antennas and Wave Propagation (Oxford Higher Education)

এম সচিনদানন্দ

৳ ৭২৫

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The Telecommunications Handbook (Hardcover)

The Telecommunications Handbook (Hardcover)

কর্নেল তেরপ্লান

৳ ২৭৫৮০

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Telecommunication Switching Systems And Networks

Telecommunication Switching Systems And Networks

থিয়াগারজান বিশ্বনাথন

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Digital Communications

Digital Communications

বিকাশ খান্না

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Mobile Ad Hoc Networks from Wireless Lans to 4G Network (Paperback)

Mobile Ad Hoc Networks from Wireless Lans to 4G Network (Paperback)

জর্জ আগেলো

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Wireless Communication (Oxford Higher Education)

Wireless Communication (Oxford Higher Education)

উপেনা দালাল

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Optical Communication Essentials (Paperback)

Optical Communication Essentials (Paperback)

গার্ড কেজার

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Principles of Communication Engineering

Principles of Communication Engineering

আনোখ সিং

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Mobile Communications (Paperback)

Mobile Communications (Paperback)

জোচেন শিলার

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Fundamentals Of Transmission Lines & Antennas (Paperback)

Fundamentals Of Transmission Lines & Antennas (Paperback)

ভি. জে. রেহা

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Fiber Optics Through Experiments (Paperback)

Fiber Optics Through Experiments (Paperback)

এম আর শেনয়

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Communication Engineering Fundamentals

Communication Engineering Fundamentals

অধ্যাপক মো আব্দুস সামাদ

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Mobile Computing : Impementing Pervasive Information and Communications Technologies (Paperback)

Mobile Computing : Impementing Pervasive Information and Communications Technologies (Paperback)

শম্ভু উপাধ্যায়

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Optics (Paperback)

Optics (Paperback)

অজয় ঘটক

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Measurement of Mobile Antenna Systems (Artech House Antennas and Propagation Library)

Measurement of Mobile Antenna Systems (Artech House Antennas and Propagation Library)

হিরোইকি আরি

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Mobile Communication Engineering (Paperback)

Mobile Communication Engineering (Paperback)

উইলিয়াম সি ওয়াই লি

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Communication Systems

Communication Systems

ভি চন্দ্র সেকার

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Fundamentals of Communications Systems (Paperback)

Fundamentals of Communications Systems (Paperback)

মাইকেল পি ফিৎজ

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Satellite Communications Systems: Systems, Techniques and Technology (WSE)

Satellite Communications Systems: Systems, Techniques and Technology (WSE)

মিশেল বাসক্যাট

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Modern Wireless Communication (Paperback)

Modern Wireless Communication (Paperback)

সাইমন হাইকিন

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Wireless Communications

Wireless Communications

রিসভ আ্নন্দ

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Communication System (Paperback)

Communication System (Paperback)

এ. ব্রুস কার্লসন

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A textbook of Optics (Paperback)

A textbook of Optics (Paperback)

এন. সুব্রামানিয়াম

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Optical Fiber Communication: Principles and Practice (Paperback)

Optical Fiber Communication: Principles and Practice (Paperback)


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Nonlinear Fiber Optics (Hardcover)

Nonlinear Fiber Optics (Hardcover)

গোবিন্দ পি আগ্রাওয়াল

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Television Technology Demystified: A Non-Technical Guide

Television Technology Demystified: A Non-Technical Guide

আলেকজান্ডার লুই টডরোভিচ

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Digital communications (Paperback)

Digital communications (Paperback)

ইয়ান এ. গ্লোভার

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The Complete Earth: A Satellite Portrait of Our Planet

The Complete Earth: A Satellite Portrait of Our Planet

ডগলাস পামার

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Wireless and Mobile Security (Paperback)

Wireless and Mobile Security (Paperback)

পলাপা ভেঙ্কটরাম

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Optical Fiber Communications - (Paperback)

Optical Fiber Communications - (Paperback)

গার্ড কেজার

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Digital Satellite Communication (Paperback)

Digital Satellite Communication (Paperback)

ট্রি টি. হা

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Mobile Cellular Telecom (Paperback)

Mobile Cellular Telecom (Paperback)

উইলিয়াম সি ওয়াই লি

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Fiber Optics Communications (With CD) - Paperback

Fiber Optics Communications (With CD) - Paperback

হ্যারল্ড কোলোম্বিরিস

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Optoelectronics and Fiber Optic Technology

Optoelectronics and Fiber Optic Technology

রয় ট্রিকার

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