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Online News: Journalism and the Internet (Paperback)

Online News: Journalism and the Internet (Paperback)

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An Introduction To Journalism: Essential Techniques & Background Knowledge (Paperback)

An Introduction To Journalism: Essential Techniques & Background Knowledge (Paperback)

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Mass Communication: Principles And Concepts

Mass Communication: Principles And Concepts

সীমা হাসান

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Advertising Media Planning  (Paperback)

Advertising Media Planning  (Paperback)

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Introduction To Mass Communication : Media Literacy And Culture (With Dvd)

Introduction To Mass Communication : Media Literacy And Culture (With Dvd)

স্ট্যানলি জে. বারান

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Communicating in Groups (Paperback)

Communicating in Groups (Paperback)

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Media and Environment: Conflict, Politics and the News (Paperback)

Media and Environment: Conflict, Politics and the News (Paperback)

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Critical Theories of Mass Media: Then and Now

Critical Theories of Mass Media: Then and Now

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Communication Works (With CD 4.0)

Communication Works (With CD 4.0)

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Media Ethics: Issues and Cases

Media Ethics: Issues and Cases

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Development Communication: Reframing the Role of the Media (Paperback)

Development Communication: Reframing the Role of the Media (Paperback)

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McQuail’s Mass Communication Theory (Paperback)

McQuail’s Mass Communication Theory (Paperback)

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Understanding Mass Communication: A Liberal Arts Perspective (Paperbook)

Understanding Mass Communication: A Liberal Arts Perspective (Paperbook)

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Guide to Media Relations

Guide to Media Relations

ইরভ শেন্কলার

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The Media In Your Life: An Introduction To Mass Communication

The Media In Your Life: An Introduction To Mass Communication

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Media of Mass Communication

Media of Mass Communication

জন ভিভিয়ান

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The Environment and the Press: From Adventure Writing to Advocacy (Paperback)

The Environment and the Press: From Adventure Writing to Advocacy (Paperback)


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ঊনিশ শতকে বাংলাদেশের সংবাদ সাময়িকপত্র ৩য় খণ্ড

ঊনিশ শতকে বাংলাদেশের সংবাদ সাময়িকপত্র ৩য় খণ্ড

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Gender and The Media (Hardcover – 2014)

Gender and The Media (Hardcover – 2014)

রোজালিন্ড গিল

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মোবাইল জার্নালিজম সময়ের সাংবাদিকতা (হার্ডকভার)

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ড. আবদুল কাবিল খান

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উনিশ শতকে বাংলাদেশের সংবাদ সাময়িকপত্র -৪র্থ খণ্ড

উনিশ শতকে বাংলাদেশের সংবাদ সাময়িকপত্র -৪র্থ খণ্ড

মুনতাসীর মামুন

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Understanding Media Paperback – 2018

Understanding Media Paperback – 2018

মার্শাল ম্যাকলুহান

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