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শিল্প ও উৎপাদন প্রকৌশল

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ফিল্টার মুছুন

Nanotechnology Environmental Health and Safety (Hardcover)

Nanotechnology Environmental Health and Safety (Hardcover)

ম্যাথিউ হুল

৳ ২১৫২.৮ ৳ ২৬৯১

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Sustainable Materials, Processes and Production

Sustainable Materials, Processes and Production

রব থম্পসন

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Packaging Design Successful Product Branding from Concept to Shelf

Packaging Design Successful Product Branding from Concept to Shelf

মারিয়ান আর ক্লিমচুক

৳ ৫৩৩৮.৪ ৳ ৬৬৭৩

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Manufacturing Technology (Paperback)

Manufacturing Technology (Paperback)

ডি কে সিং

৳ ৫৭৪.৪ ৳ ৭১৮

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Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design

Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design

রিচার্ড জি বুডিনাস

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Corporate Networks: Strategic Use of Telecommunications (Telecommunications Library)

Corporate Networks: Strategic Use of Telecommunications (Telecommunications Library)

টমাস ভ্যালবিক

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Modern Dairy Products

Modern Dairy Products

লিঙ্কন এম. ল্যামপার্ট

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Modern Control Technology (Paperback)

Modern Control Technology (Paperback)

ক্রিস্টোফার কিলিয়ান

৳ ৮২০

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Computer Aided Manufacturing (Paperback)

Computer Aided Manufacturing (Paperback)

টি. কে. কুন্দ্রা

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Control System Design Guide

Control System Design Guide

জর্জ এলিস

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Manufacturing Processes Volume 1 (Paperback)

Manufacturing Processes Volume 1 (Paperback)

এইচ. এস. শান

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Quality Management (SIE)

Quality Management (SIE)

রোজা ওপেনহেইম

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Engineering Design, Planning and Management

Engineering Design, Planning and Management

হিউ জ্যাক

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Chemistry of the Environment

Chemistry of the Environment

রোনাল্ড এ. বেইলি

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Industrial Instrumentation (Paperback)

Industrial Instrumentation (Paperback)

ডি. পি. ইকমেন

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Practical Power Systems Protection

Practical Power Systems Protection

রমেশ বালকৃষ্ণান

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Design and Analysis of Lean Production Systems

Design and Analysis of Lean Production Systems

রোনাল্ড জি আস্কিন

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Org Design for Design Orgs

Org Design for Design Orgs

পিটার মেহলজ

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Operations Research: An Introduction, 9e (Paperback)

Operations Research: An Introduction, 9e (Paperback)


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Manufacturing Technology : Metal Cutting And Machine Tools - Volume 2 (Paperback)

Manufacturing Technology : Metal Cutting And Machine Tools - Volume 2 (Paperback)

পি এন রাও

৳ ১০৭৮

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Garment Manufacturing Technology (Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles)

Garment Manufacturing Technology (Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles)

রাজিব পাহে

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Niebel's Methods, Standards, and Work Design (Paperback)

Niebel's Methods, Standards, and Work Design (Paperback)

এন্ডিস ফ্রাইবলস

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Engineering Design Process (Paperback)

Engineering Design Process (Paperback)


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Manufacturing Technology : Foundry, Forming And Welding - Volume 1 (Paperback)

Manufacturing Technology : Foundry, Forming And Welding - Volume 1 (Paperback)

পি এন রাও

৳ ৮৩৭

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Signals and Systems Using MATLAB

Signals and Systems Using MATLAB

লুসি এফ চাপারো

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Drawing for Product Designers (Portfolio Skills)

Drawing for Product Designers (Portfolio Skills)

কেভিন হেনরি

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Engineering for Dairy And Food Products

Engineering for Dairy And Food Products

ডব্লিউ. ফারেল

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Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Design

Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Design

মাইকেল এশবি

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Manufacturing Processes For Engineering Materials (Paperback)

Manufacturing Processes For Engineering Materials (Paperback)

স্টিভেন আর শিমিড

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Machine Tool & Manufacturing Technology (Paperback)

Machine Tool & Manufacturing Technology (Paperback)


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Product Design and Development (SIE)

Product Design and Development (SIE)

স্টিভেন ডি এপ্পেঙ্গার

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Industrial Engineering and Production Management (Paperback)

Industrial Engineering and Production Management (Paperback)

এস. পি. মহাজন

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Enchanted Objects: Innovation, Design, and the Future of Technology

Enchanted Objects: Innovation, Design, and the Future of Technology

ডেভিড রোজ

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Instrumentation and Control Systems

Instrumentation and Control Systems

ডব্লিউ বোল্টন

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Prototyping and Modelmaking for Product Design

Prototyping and Modelmaking for Product Design

বিজার্কি হিলগ্রিজসন

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