Summary Riley, is a teenage orphan, who is taken under the guidance of an evil illusionist and assassin Albert Garrick. Garrick forces Riley to commit his first murder, but before he could commit the heinous crime, when the intended victim turns out be a part of the FBI's Witness Anonymous Relocation Program (WARP) from the future. Riley gets transported to modern-day London along with Garrick.
In the 21st century London, Riley meets Chevron Savano, an FBI agent, who was sent to London as a punishment and was asked to lay low after a previous operation went terribly wrong. She helps Riley escape from the Garrick, who is more dangerous and evil than ever. Will Riley be able to find his way back to Victorian London and escape the clutches of Garrick?
About Eoin Colfer Eoin Colfer is an Irish author. He was a primary school teacher before he took to a full-time career in writing. He is best known for his bestselling Artemis Fowl series.