Though the number of persons who keep poultry is increasing and the knowledge of how to manage poultry is being diffused through the poultry press, the demand for eggs and dead fowls increases in still greater degree. The selection, rearing and general treatments in poultry science was felt as the need of hour for farmers. Poultry science has to be studied in all its details, it has been dealt with thoroughly. Trust, this book will be of great help to the poultry farmers, teachers, researchers and students.
Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Selection of Breeds Chapter 3: Importation of Eggs Chapter 4: Accommodation Houses Chapter 5: Marking Fowls and Eggs Chapter 6: Management and Feeding Chapter 7: Breeding Pens Chapter 8: Setting and Hatching Chapter 9: Coops, Artificial Mothers, Food and Rearing Chapter 10: Preparing for Show Chapter 11: Fattening, Killing and Plucking Chapter 12: Cooking Chapter 13: Enemies of the Poultry Yard Chapter 14: Diseases Chapter 15: Description of Various Breeds.