A common theme in Hason Raja’s songs is what the Sufis call ‘fana’, or destruction of the individual ego. The passion and imagination of Hason Raja’s songs center round self-realization. Who am I? This everlasting and perpetual question was the source of his introspection that eventually led him to be a ‘lover’, ‘mad’ and a follower of Baulism. The songs of Hason Raja are classified into three categories: Prema or divine love, Vairagya or renunciation and Ucchanubhuti or realization of the Supreme. Shamsuzzaman Khan, an eminent folklore expert, in his introduction of the book, Hason Raja Shomogro, says: “In the songs of Hason Raja, what we see is the mix of Islamic ideas, beliefs and prejudices of Hindu religion and mythology, Sufism, Vaisnavism and Baulism.” Hason Raja হাছন রাজা, the third book of the series entitled ‘Bangla Bauls’ contains the English translation of the bard’s fifty selected songs.
Haroonuzzaman, a translator, novelist, poet and essayist, was born in Dhaka on January 13, 1951. He has been into teaching at home and abroad (Libya, Qatar) for about 27 years. For the past 12 years, he has been teaching English at Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB). Besides, he had been a feature writer of Depthnews, Manila and into English language journalism at The Independent and UNB and into broadcast journalism in Radio Pakistan, Dacca and Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka for about six years. He was the only Asian who worked as an English news broadcaster under Qatar Broadcasting Service in 1992.