Summary Of The Book Quantum Physics, popularly known as Quantum Mechanics or Quantum Theory, is a sub-division of Physics. It deals with the physical attributes at the microscopic level. It focuses on the mathematical description of the wave-like and dual particle-like interaction and behaviour of matter and energy.
Quantum Physics: A Beginner's Guide by Alastair Rae explains the world of Quantum Physics in an accessible manner. From spin, quarks to computing, this book focuses on the practical applications of Quantum Physics that affects our lives everyday. Rae, in a step-by-step manner, discusses the important theories of this fascinating branch of Physics.
The author begins by pointing out that Quantum Physics is not Rocket Science. The book covers important topics like Waves and Particles, Metals, Insulators, Superconductivity, Power from the Quantum, Semiconductors, Computer chips and Spin Doctoring. The author also explains how Quantum Physics helps in the functioning of computers, power stations and even kettles. It also focuses on supercomputers and uncrackable codes and the Quantum future.
The author makes minimum use of mathematics and more of common sense to explain the relevance of Quantum Physics in our day to day activities. The author also discusses the great minds like Einstein, Bohr and Heisenberg and their great ideas. Avoiding philosophical ideas and technical jargon, the book focuses on the practical applications of Quantum Physics. The book concludes with interesting insights into the pitfalls, philosophical problems, and revolutionary potential of Quantum Physics. The book highlights how quantum theory has changed the way we understand the structure of our universe.
About Alastair I. M. Rae Alastair I. M. Rae is an editor, professor, and writer. Other works by him include Quantum Mechanics, Reductionism: A Beginner’s Guide, and Quantum Physics: Illusion or Reality? Rae was previously a Reader of Quantum Physics at the University of Birmingham. He is the editor of The European Journal of Physics. His book Quantum Physics: Illusion or Reality? has been translated into 6 languages.