You’re reading a book, and you’ve suddenly stumbled upon a word that you don’t know the meaning of. What would you do then? You look for that fat, old book called Dictionary. And, once you get hold of it, you flip through the pages to locate that word; it serves your purpose, your immediate need gets fulfilled. Yet, chances are that as time passes by, dictionaries on the shelf tend to gather dust upon dust upon dust. You wonder, why! In our everyday life, we need to consult a dictionary to know the meaning of a certain English word or its synonyms. But, we, the learners, often times opt not to. Not just the fact that the world of English feels so alien to many of us; the mere thought of going through this ‘hassle’ kills our appetite from within to go any further. Yes! It’s so unwieldy; more importantly, there are in it pages after pages filled with words after words that we believe would be of little use. We then wonder if this dictionary could be a bit different, of a new kind! Against this backdrop, the author has composed his A Concise Dictionary of English Words With Their Meanings