Howard S. Peavy, George Tchobanoglous and Donald R. Rowe’s Environmental Engineering, published by Tata McGraw-Hill Education, is a comprehensive book engineering students. This first edition comprises of three main areas of environmental engineering – water, air and solid waste management. The relationship intricacies between natural purification methods and engineered systems are approached in a detailed manner. The physical, logical, mathematical, biological and chemical aspects that are used to define, measure and quantify the quality of environment are also explained in detail. The engineering applications and principles that are adopted in designing and operating these different systems are discussed.
About Tata McGraw-Hill Education Tata McGraw-Hill Education is one of the most renowned publishing houses which has been massively catering quality and the most widely read books to the education market. Their books are used by Pre-K students as well as teachers and professionals. They also have online learning provision and multimedia tools for better learning methods, which adapt to mobile devices, online testing and tutoring, e-Books, subscription services and customized course web sites. Some of the books published by Tata McGraw-Hill Education are Applied Research Design for Business and Management, What would Steve Jobs Do?, Security Analysis And Portfolio Management, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 and Consumer Behaviour.
প্রফেসর আফসার উজ-জামান
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Higher Secondary Mechanics and Discrete mathematics