ook Summary of Electronic Communications: Principles & Systems This distinctive book develops a solid understanding of the overall general principles that govern all communications systems. The mathematical techniques have been kept to a relatively modest level, making the book accessible to readers with only a moderate background in integral and differential calculus, yet its broad coverage provides exposure to such sophisticated analytical techniques as Fourier transforms, spectral analysis, and the performance of systems in the presence of noise. Practical applications and interpretations are stressed, with emphasis on signal processing at the block diagram or systems level, in order to provide abetter background for readers as the technology advances and new integrated circuits or modules become available
Key Features • Thorough and well-structured explanations help foster a deeper understanding of the whys behind the design, operation, and service of communication systems. • Abundant example problems are worked-out in detail, many utilizing SystemVue by Elanix, MultiSIM, and MATLAB to provide readers with powerful simulation tools at the circuit, mathematical, and system levels. • Broad coverage is directed towards the practical interpretation and application of the tools rather than the formal mathematical derivations characteristic of advanced communications texts. • Helpful Appendices provide additional, optional information for readers who wish to pursue theoretical concepts in more detail."
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Title :
Electronic Communications: Principles & Systems with CD (Paperback)