জিম কলিন্স এর বই সমূহ অনলাইনে কিনুন | বইবাজার.কম

জিম কলিন্স

Jim Collins (born 1958) received a BS in Mathematical Sciences at Stanford University, and afterward obtained his MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business followed by 18 months as a consultant with McKinsey & Company. He then worked as a product manager for Hewlett-Packard. Collins began his research and teaching career on the faculty at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business, where he received the Distinguished Teaching Award in 1992. In 1995, he founded a management laboratory in Boulder, Colorado, where he now conducts research and teaches executives from the corporate and social sectors. During that time, Collins has served as a senior executive at CNN International, and also worked with social sector organizations, such as: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, the Girl Scouts of the USA, the Leadership Network of Churches, the American Association of K-12 School Superintendents, and the United States Marine Corps.


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ফিল্টার মুছুন

Good to Great (Why Some Companies Make the Leap And Others Dont) (Three Million Copies Sold)

Good to Great (Why Some Companies Make the Leap And Others Dont) (Three Million Copies Sold)

জিম কলিন্স

৳ ১৭৬০ ৳ ২২০০

Built to Last (Hardcover)

Built to Last (Hardcover)

জিম কলিন্স

৳ ১২৯৬ ৳ ১৬২০

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How The Mighty Fall (Hardcover)

How The Mighty Fall (Hardcover)

জিম কলিন্স

৳ ১১৫০.৪ ৳ ১৪৩৮

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Great by Choice (Hardcover)

Great by Choice (Hardcover)

জিম কলিন্স

৳ ১৪৪০ ৳ ১৮০০

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Good to Great (Why Some Companies Make the Leap And Others Dont) (Three Million Copies Sold) (Bangladeshi Print)

Good to Great (Why Some Companies Make the Leap And Others Dont) (Three Million Copies Sold) (Bangladeshi Print)

জিম কলিন্স

৳ ২০০ ৳ ২৫০

গুড টু গ্রেট (হার্ডকভার)

গুড টু গ্রেট (হার্ডকভার)

জিম কলিন্স

৳ ৪১৩ ৳ ৫৫০

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