অধ্যাপক ডা. তাহমীনা বেগম এর বই সমূহ অনলাইনে কিনুন | বইবাজার.কম

অধ্যাপক ডা. তাহমীনা বেগম

Prof. Tahmina Begum is one of the eminent physicians in the field of Paediatrics who has vast teaching and clinical experience of nearly 30 years. Until recently she served as Professor & Head of Paediatrics, BIRDEM & Ibrahim Medical College. Prior to this, she worked in Mymensingh Medical College and Dhaka Medical College. Her untiring pursuit for medical knowledge has been reflected in many research works and more than 50 publications. Over the years, she has been mentoring junior colleagues, undergraduate and post-graduate students to make learning meaningful. Professor Tahmina Begum was born at Sararchar, Bajitpur at Kishoreganj District in October, 1957. She graduated with honours in 1982 from Mymensingh Medical College. She obtained FCPS in Paediatrics from BCPS in 1990 and MD from Dhaka University in 1995. She received training in Medical Education in the centre for Medical Education, Dundee and completed Diploma in 1997 and then Masters in Medical Education (MMEd) in 1999 from University of Dundee, UK. She is actively engaged in teaching and assessment in medical colleges and also in the centre for medical education in Dhaka. She has contributed to the undergraduate and post-graduate curriculum development and revision as well. She has attained and conducted many workshops at international and national level on different aspects of medical education. Currently she is serving as course coordinator of online certificate course on medical education in Bangladesh. She is the member secretary, medical education department of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS). She holds the post of President, Bangladesh Neonatal Forum. In ...   বিস্তারিত দেখুন

প্রয়োজনে নিচের মেন্যুর সাহায্য নিন

ফিল্টার মুছুন

শিশুর যত্ন ও রোগ প্রতিরোধে আপনার করণীয়

শিশুর যত্ন ও রোগ প্রতিরোধে আপনার করণীয়

অধ্যাপক ডা. তাহমীনা বেগম

৳ ১৫০ ৳ ২০০

Concepts Of Medical Education

Concepts Of Medical Education

অধ্যাপক ডা. তাহমীনা বেগম

৳ ৫৬০ ৳ ৭০০

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